A fun, meaningful and very interactive fitness program for elders. Here we are starting our exercise class, in the garden, after doing our breathing exercises and positive visualization therapy.
Isometric and stretching exercises to develop muscle strength, endurance, balance and range of motion.
We work with all participants understanding of the limitations and special needs of those with illness, disability, chronic disorders, or a sedentary lifestyle. The idea is to measure progress individually and to keep in mind that exercises is part of a wellness program. Other aspect of fitness and a better physical health are; good nutrition, hydration, rest, aerobics, low sugar and salt diet, aerobics or walking for cardiovascular endurance and breathing exercises.
Leadership: elders motivating elders, supporting each other and celebrating their progress. Sense of humor and family support is very helpful for the well-being of our elders.
The goal is not to touch the floor but to increase flexibility.
Exercise with friends. Company provides enjoyment, mutual encouragement and support.
Balance exercises using the chairs to support your weight and keep a balance. Take appropriate breaks during exercise. Do not over-exert yourself.
Include exercises that increase flexibility and movement in your joints such as shoulder and arm circles and stretching exercises.
Moderation is the key to safe exercise. Don't try to do too much too soon. Always start slowly and gradually build up speed, force and intensity.
Drink one pint of water about 15 minutes before you start exercising and another pint after you cool down. Have a drink of water every 20 minutes or so while you exercise.
I made it! After 9 weeks of exercises and increase daily physical activity... Jane is getting better and better.
Include some deep breathing as part of your easy exercise to help oxygenate your system.
Deep breathing, meditation, and positive visualization exercises help reduce stress.
Hands on your laps and close your eyes... let's think about someone or something special and beautiful in our lives...
Okay... it is time to wear your shoes again. No help is needed for this tasks. It is sooo simple!
And the therapuetic dogs arrived just on time!!!
This program was presented by WEL, World Elder Land www.worldelderland.com and ERT, Elder Recreation Therapy www.elderrecreationtherapy.com - KJW