A meaningful day for everyone
Welcome to all Marriott volunteers to Byron House Assisted Living, Potomac, MD
May 2006
All participants forming 6 groups
Our team leader Pat DeSpain, a resident from Byron House, explaining a task for each group
Marriott generous contribution of human resources, happy hearts, and necessary supplies to begin a wonderful transformation in our garden.
One of our elders, Virginia Miller, showed up wearing her own design... a crazy hat made of newspapers and a flower.
Joanna Wennersten, Sales Coordinator, Marriott Hotels of Northern Virginia and other team members.
The herbal garden was 看much improved. Now elders can cultivate, harvest 看and eat parsley, cilantro, sage, basil and other herbs.
A new stone walk way was made for the elders to add food to the bird feeders.
Plants were moved to better areas with more room to grow.
Elders choosing bright colors and decorating new bird houses.
A stone walk way was leveled so the elders can stand more secure to work in the herbal garden.
New potting soil was added to planters and sun flowers were transplanted
The railing was painted and secured in some areas.
6 new bird houses were incorporated in the garden.
All community members participating in this event received a gift bag from Barbara and Robert Muller
and WEL, World Elder Land
Kathy Ward explained to all participants how to start their own PEACE CORNER at their own Marriott Hotels
The group after the pizza party
Happy flowers enjoying their new home
Meaningful conversation among friends!!!
Tranquility, PEACE and a wonderful space to relax.
Elders, staff members and volunteers getting to know each other better...
WOW !!!
A cardinal bird feeder was also installed near the railing for easy access
A group of elders interested in gardening are now taking care of their garden.
Non toxic plants, bright colors and interesting visual composition was added to the garden
Safety and easy access to the garden was always considered...
Karen Kinnecome, Director of Byron House came to thank all Marriott volunteers for their time and kindness...
It has been a meaningful experience for everyone the planning, designing and implementation of a healing space for Byron House.
Thank you!!!
Transforming A Beautiful Healing Therapeutic Garden For Elders And Caregivers With The Generous Participation Of Volunteers From Marriott Spirit To Serve Annual Community Service Day.
Combining humor, interaction with nature, art therapy, breathing exercises and social inclusion for the well-being of all community members.
healing  therapeutic  garden