April 2006 - A new PEACE CORNER with elders in the state of Maryland. If you want your dream to be, take your time go slowly, do a few things but do them well, heartfelt work grows slowly...

A group of elders representing hispanic cultures gathered for a talk about spirituality, health and how to better our quality of life. They all were invited to write poems about wellness, harmony, happiness and love.
We all learned how to begin daily meditations and how to visualize bridges of opportunities and better ways.
At the end of our program we opened a dialog about PEACE as we started to make our PEACE CORNER with elements and ideas proposed by the elders.
Everyone joined the task. Creativity, fun and listening skills were shared by all.
This is just the begining... day by day we build our secret slowly.
The energy and cooperation is this room is an unstapable demonstration for a better community for everyone.
... if you want to live like free, build your secret slowly, small beginnings, greater ends, simple joys are holy...
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One of the elders brought in this drawing. She explains... I like this drawing because it is about a bird that is so vulnerable and simple and it is standing in this branch alone not doing any harm to anybody else. This bird is happy because it is healthy and can sing. The bird for me is also saying, here are more branches and space for others. There is room for everyone. This drawing for me is PEACE."
Let's place the PEACE CORNER near the map of US and the red happy hearts...
WEL done! Long Branch Recreation and Senior Center now has its own PEACE CORNER - RINCON DE PAZ. Peace is not the objective. Peace is the ways we choose to reach our dreams. KJW
One of the elders said, "peace is simplicity too. I am simple and I want to help everyone as much as I can."